1. I've wanted to start blogging again because my writing skills have gone to heck. Currently I'm very good at using the same three emoji over again, and occasionally searching for the appropriate reaction GIF but placing one word after another has become something of a lost skill.
2. Maybe something I post will also be useful to someone else. Or not.
3. Self-aborption. As usual.
Things to do today: Clean up after the holiday trip. Relax. Put away laundry.
Things I'd like to do in 2020:
- meditate every day. My daily practice fell away after a retreat last year, namely due to my indecisiveness over what type of meditation to do. Time to pick something and stick with it, or at least be ok with trying different practices for a few weeks(months?) in if I can't decide. Meditation changed everything for me in a way I can't really verbalize here, and I can tell things feel different if I haven't been at it. So I'd like to continue.
- learn enough programming and release an app. I've been working on one intermittently. It's only recently I've learned how to use classes and functions, and it'd be nice to understand data theory to be able to get the app working the way I envision.
- FLOSS daily or at least every other day. This should probably be #1.
I've also got other plans but they're more in the Don Quixote camp of "is this even a sane idea" so I'm just gonna let those sit and see if they ripen into anything worth pursuing.
In case anyone wonders why this blog is called "chaaaange":
- because I'd like to remind myself it's what's always happening
- "chaange" and "chaaange" were already taken.