Sunday, April 5, 2020

What I'm Up To

These days I'm just trying to keep up good habits, and work on decreasing old ones.

Among those habits is a mantra meditation session in the morning. I have no idea what it's supposed to "do", but I'm committed to doing it at least a month since I've been told not to expect overnight magic. My throat gets pretty tired after repeating "om mani padme hum" after 30 minutes. There is a moment after my sessions when I feel "different", but it quickly disappears when I resume my daily activities. Perhaps this is why people become actual monks. It's very hard to maintain a certain level of awareness while engaged in the normal layperson's life.

Another thing I'm doing is trying dream yoga, based on trying to do something else outside of browsing my phone every night. The addiction got pretty bad as I've been obsessed with virus news. I figured I would try to make sleep more interesting, so I got a book on Dream Yoga. Observations:

  1. As soon as I stopped looking at my phone every night before bed, I started remembering my dreams again.
  2. My first dream after picking up the book was one where I was dating some random man. Except in my dream, I could not remember the man's name. So I went through a file cabinet trying to suss out what his name was, too ashamed to ask him directly. He ended up catching me in the act, and I made up some lie about needing to find an old resume. If this sounds familiar, it was because it was a plot almost straight out of a Seinfeld episode. When sleeping, I apparently just copy the plots of television shows. 


  1. Hope repeating the mantra helps. It helped Tina Turner to be able to tell Ike to take a hike. I may give it a try. I certainly have 30 free minutes these days.
    My dreams often take on the plot of something I have seen or read.

    1. Thanks Patti! Haha, yes, I remember Tina Turner mentioning how Buddhist practices helped bring peace into her life.

      I have heard this time is a good opportunity for spiritual practice, namely because there is nothing else to do. Haha!

      I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one borrowing plots for my dreams.

  2. Hello everyone on here, I want to share with you all a great testimony on how I was cured by Dr Jekawo, who cured so many diseases.
    I was suffering from herpes and diabetes also my little sister was a victim of blood cancer too but with the help of Dr Jekawo we are all fine, well with his natural remedies that he prepare then send to us through dhl courier he then instruct us on how to drink the herbal medicines which we did and today we are completely well, we have being living free for 2 years now and it's seems like a God sent when I met him online by a lady giving testimony online like I'm doing right now.also I have introduce Dr Jekawo to several colleagues from works suffering from different kind of diseases and Dr Jekawo has healed all of them with his herbal knowledge. he's a great man with ancestral power to cure people with herpes,cancer,diabetes,hepatitis,hpv,lupus,als,hiv/aids, also spiritual consultation he's available for that as well.
    I email him on: because that's the only source to get to him as he lives far from the United state,I told him that I will be giving testimony on his behalf because he's a good man with a Godly heart.
