Friday, January 3, 2020


I had an experience recently that made me think one can either love everything and everyone, or nothing or no-one. There is no pick and choose.

I don't know if this is true for everyone, but it felt true within. Love can't have barriers. I can't say I love this person and this person, or this thing and that thing only, but not that person nor that person. And not that thing.

I don't have many spiritual experiences in my life, but it was like someone/something just told me "Duh! Didn't you know that?" And laughed.

I've always been on the slower side. During our white elephant game this Christmas I selected the "gag" gift even though I had seen it actually being put in its box earlier that evening. I had just forgotten.

May your 2020 be filled with the experience of boundless and endless love.


  1. Ooh, I'm just the opposite. My caring is totally individual. Wonder if that makes me picky:)
